Before & After Treatment Advice

Before Treatment: Drink, warm-up and chill-out

Ok, so I know you've been told how important it is to stay hydrated for good health, but when it comes to getting the most out of your massage, hydration is also crucial.

The better hydrated your whole system is, the better your muscles/connective tissues, will respond improving the outcome of your massage. This means avoiding dehydrating yourself prior to treatment as much as possible. But not too much as you don’t want to have to continue leaving the table to pee. recommend hydrating well the day/night before, a glass upon waking before eating, and a glass before an hr treatment. Depending on your body weight & activity level 2-3L/day is good adding 1L for every 40min of exercise

Warming your body prior to treatment (think sauna, heat pack, or heated seats in your car) can also help with the effectiveness of your treatment. Using the Infrared sauna or vibrosaun at P3 or Rigs Recovery before your treatment (then showering!) would be a great help. Even a light stretch can assist in reducing the pain in treatment & increase speed of body’s response to techniques

Why? Warming & hydrating your connective tissue makes it more pliable and more capable of binding water and becoming more elastic. Also, the warmth reduces the sensitivity of pain receptors, so you will be more comfortable while on the table.

Arrive early & chill out for a bit! The more relaxed you are before the treatment, the more receptive your body will be. Take some slow breaths, have a glass of water, listen to some music, lie/sit/stretch in the dry recovery room, and relax!

What about afterwards?

Following massage treatment, it is quite common to notice some tenderness (as if you have been bruised), stiffness, heaviness and/or fatigue for up to 48 hours.

This reaction can be more noticeable if:

- you are new to massage treatment, you are relatively inactive day to day,

- your therapist has performed myofascial dry needling during your treatment.

While it is not our intention to cause you such discomfort, it is quite a normal response, and it means that the treatment has stimulated the body enough to ultimately encourage a positive change. This reaction generally lessens significantly with regular treatment. It is important to note this is different to your initial pain you came in with & should come with better movement as well as sleep

How can you minimise this reaction & enhance your treatment?

Follow the before treatment advice above (hydrate, warm-up, chill-out).

  • Afterwards, stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, and avoiding foods/beverages that will dehydrate you.

  • Do some gentle exercise (active recovery) like walking, cycling or swimming.

  • Do a dry recovery session at P3 or Rigs Recovery after your massage, or wear compression sleeves

  • Avoid strenuous activity for the rest of the day, especially within 3 hours of treatment.

  • Apply a heat or ice pack to the area - whichever gives you the greatest relief. If your therapist has a preference they will advise you accordingly.

  • Use magnesium oil or have an Epsom (magnesium) salts bath. The wet area at P3/Rigs Recovery is perfect for this. Magnesium is fantastic for easing muscle soreness and reducing muscle tightness. It often enhances the outcome of your massage!

  • Stretch: light stretching before & after bed is one of the best habits we can instill in life for a better healthier mind & body just 5-15mins is all you need if you need any guidance we have videoes on youtube to help guide you through the process

Please talk to your therapist or contact the clinic if you have any questions or concerns.

Your comfort and achievement of your goals with us at Truly Wholistic are of the utmost importance! If you are unhappy or feel we are not meeting your expectations please speak up, so we can improve our services even further and make you feel comfortable that we are here to help, listen & improve your well-being.